Pages in What to Expect

What to Expect

Newborn screening is just one of many things that happen in the first few days after a baby is born. The following information will help prepare expecting parents for the newborn screening process and answer common questions. Links to resources are also provided for a more in-depth look into the newborn screening process.

Before Birth - Seven things parents want to know about newborn screening

Screening Procedures - The who, what, when, where, why and how of newborn screening

Responding to Results - Questions to ask a baby’s doctor if a baby receives an out-of-range newborn screening result

Screening Outcomes - Information on possible results from newborn screening and what to do next

What Happens to the Blood Sample - An overview of what happens to the remaining blood sample taken during newborn screening

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Last Reviewed - 8/4/2016

Last Reviewed - 8/4/2016

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